April 11, 2011

A Quick Visit

On Friday I went to visit three close friends. It was a really quick trip with a lot of driving, but it was worth it!

I love seeing friends that I haven't gotten to talk to or spend time with in awhile. We jumped right back in like we'd seen each other yesterday. That's true friendship at its best. <3

We had a late dinner at the Boulevard Grill before I had to head home.

I got the Spicy Black Bean Burger with Pepper Slaw and a Strawberry Wheat beer. Delicious! Their menu had lots of veg options and they were even noted with a leaf symbol.

Happiness is spending time with friends.


  1. :) Aww.. looks like fun. I miss you guys! ~Rachael

  2. Happiness IS spending time with friends! I'm so glad you came and I got to spend time with the both of you! :)
