July 11, 2011

Summer Sweater

I'm that girl.

The one who is always cold.

Who brings a sweater everywhere, just in case.*

*Why does everyone turn their AC to 68 degrees and then wear shorts and tanks? No one wants their heat that low in the winter and then they're wearing jeans and sweaters. C'mon now. I don't want to cover my cute tank that I waited all year to wear with a sweater. I just don't.

So thank you, God, for summer and the warmth of the sun shining!

This weekend was my first official big girl job weekend. The last 2 were still vacation time.

We went to see A Little Night Music at the Mt. Gretna Theatre on Friday night. When the first set of people came out singing, I thought I might have to leave. But it did improve from there. We did our yearly splurge on sundaes from The Jigger Shop during intermission, which sweetend the deal. I always get the CMP, with my own twist. Chocolate ice cream (no vanilla!!), chocolate syrup, pb syrup (instead of peanuts), marshmallow sauce and a cherry (sans the whip, please) on top. The Bup got the Peach Melba. He's less complicated than me, so he didn't have to spend 5 mintues telling the waitress how he wanted to alter it.

I should work on that.

Saturday was market day! We got fresh peaches, red and golden beets, and corn on the cob. Can't wait for dinner tonight!

That night we went to our family friends' house for dinner. It was crab night, and we brought beer. Andrew, my friend's boyfriend, makes his own! So I had a cherry wheat, which he made with muddled cherries. It was SO much better than Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. It had a much better (real!) cherry taste. He also had a Honey Basil, which the Bup and I split. I liked it, too, despite being skeptical about the basil. It was subtle and really complimented the beer.

Mom and I were in charge of the Linger Longer at church on Sunday, which means preparing snacks for about 100 people. I made a double pan of Double Banana Chocolate Chip Breakfast Bars, compliments of EatLiveRun. These are always a hit! Mom made Friendship Coffee Cakes, and we tag teamed a double batch of Feta 'n' Chive (Mini) Muffins, both from Taste of Home. Bonus: fruit skewers with watermelon, canteloupe, and pineapple. We had some food left over, but not too much. Easy. :-)

Everywhere I went, I froze. And covered up my cute tank with a sweater.

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