September 6, 2011

A Really Big Woodpile

We went and found some wood to chop over the weekend.

I feel like that picture would make a challenging jigsaw puzzle, with all those logs, grass & trees. Mom loves green, so it might be a great gift for her!

The tree at the end of the driveway at the cabin fell over during Hurricane Irene. We have an old driveway down the yard a ways, so when Mom & Dad got there they went in that way. By the time we arrived 2 days later, they'd already gotten it cleared well enough that we could pull in. There was still a lot of work to do, though!

Dad manned the chain saw.

He's super handy with that thing. I used to love wearing his big hat with its ear protectors as a kid because it was so huge. I love the smell of the freshly cut wood!

The Bup wielded the axe.

For three hours, he split log after log after log. We thought he'd be crazy sore the next day but he only had a few blisters. That's my man! :-)

Mom made sure our woodpile wouldn't fall over later.

I helped stack the woodpile after the logs were split. Mom showed me how to pile the ends up so that it is sturdy and won't fall over. See how they form a pattern back and forth, like pillars?

The butterflies drank nectar from Mom's flowers. All this work was making them hungry, I guess!

All the wood from this tree should be enough for about 2-3 winters at the cabin. Dad already had enough for this winter, so it will have time to dry out before we need it.

Good work for one morning!

We spent the rest of the weekend hiking, eating, sleeping, sitting around the campfire, and reading.

A perfect vacation.

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