It had been way too long between trips to the family cabin. Until last weekend, we hadn't been up since Labor Day. Luckily, we'll be back again in a month!
We took 2 hikes, both to find overlooks that none of us had been to before. Dad saw the rock outcroppings from down on the main road & wanted to find them to see if the views were good.
I love the combination of hiking on the dirt road, paths, & blazing our own trails. It was fun venturing through the trees & jumping over rocks.
Things were pretty muddy, but that didn't stop us.
A few trees were down across the path. It wasn't hard to find each other through the brush, though. Since it's hunting season, we were all wearing orange vests for safety. It's always funny to look at us in our hunter orange when none of us actually hunt.
The sky was crystal clear on top of the mountain.
When we reached the first vista, we realized it wasn't so clear in the valley. Still, it's beautiful to see the hills & valleys covered in the thin fog.
Mom & I wore our earbands. It wasn't super cold, but when the breeze came along, the chill went right through us.
The guys just had hats on. And carried walking sticks. :-)
Along the way we passed several stands for hunters. This one was on the ground, but we saw a few that were mounted up in trees. Dad thought this one was pretty cozy.
Everything was moss covered. Did you know that moss only grows a few inches per year? It took a long time for some of the large rocks we saw to be covered.
We found it! From this overlook, we were able to see the road to the cabin of a family friend. The next day, we actually saw the cabin. These rocks were massive & the crevices between them dropped straight down for hundreds of feet.
We had such a great time exploring & breathing in the fresh air. I can't wait to go back. It's so relaxing & calming to be away from everything & outside. Hiking is one of my favorite forms of exercise. I just wish we had more opportunities to go.
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