March 16, 2013

Tasty Tidbits

Isn't that a gorgeous flower? It's so sneaky, hiding down in the leaves instead of on a stalk. I took a pic to show my mom while she's away. We're cat sitting & I didn't want her to miss this.

I saw this sign a few weeks ago when we were shopping at Hobby Lobby. First, have you been there? It's crammed full of inspiration!! This sign stood out to me because with 4 short words, it really has a lot of meaning. It's so hard not to get bogged down with every day life things instead of what you really love. I need to remind myself of this more & more, as we work toward living what we love. Life's flying by so quickly!

Happy weekend! March has been blustery this week, so stay warm!

Here's what we've been eating in the last week:


  • Leftovers
  • Baked sweet potato
  • Apples, grapefruit, oranges & clementines


  • She Wears Many Hats' Quick Baked Potatoes - We don't have baked potatoes a lot because I hate to microwave them & they take forever to bake. Now that I know of this method, I think we'll be having them a lot more often!
  • Roasted broccoli
  • Mama Pea's Nacho Mmmm Sauce - It really does make you say "mmmm" before you realize what you're saying!
  • Green Salad
  • Tomato Soup - Another quick meal from a frozen batch. This was like a breath of summer. I can't wait until our garden starts up again!
  • Guacamole & quinoa black bean chips
  • Green salad
  • Tortilla Pizzas - brown rice tortillas topped with pesto, bbq sauce, red onion, mushrooms, olives, & spinach

  • Spinach Ravioli Lasagna
  • Green salad


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