August 25, 2011

Yoga Girl Challenge: Complete! + Yummy Links

I made it!!! 21 days that all involved some form, however large or small, of yoga.

{Because hotel floors are kinda gross.}

I'm not going to bore you with the details of the second half, but it was very similar to the first half. My favorite days were the ones when I used the audio downloads from I love the unexpected challenges and the soothing background music during the sessions. It was great to break out of the video rut I'd been in. You can only watch the same exercise videos for so long before memorizing their next words!

Although I may not do yoga every single day from now on, I will definitely be doing it a lot more. It's a great way to unwind after a busy day and really helps to get the kinks out of my back. Last night I did Lunar Flow and while it was super slow and flowing, when I stood up after it was over, my hips were shaky and loose. It felt so good to wobble a little and realign myself.

For those of you skeptics who don't love yoga...I think you should try it. Just a simple class or video. Let me know how you like it!

And now for some yummy links in the blog world. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of recipes I want to try! Here's a short list:

Chocolate Chunk Toffee Bars from  - For the church picnic, I think.

Grilled Corn Summer Breakfast Hash from  - Dinner soon, perhaps?

Easy Oat Wheat Bread from - Easy, delicious, quick.

Cookie Dough Dip from - It's a healthier version!

I think we could make a meal out of that. Happy Thursday everyone!

Question: Has anyone tried Hot Yoga?

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