April 27, 2011

Our Garden: Part 3

Look what Mom gave me!

This pot held about 20 bulbs, which I planted in 8 different holes.

I like to wear gardening glove to keep the dirt from underneath my fingernails. There are 2 problems with that. First, I don't have long or well-manicured fingernails to be protecting. Second, my $1 pair of gloves promptly ripped at the fingertips, making them useless. I wear them anyway.

I kept digging and digging but it never seemed deep enough.

I'm determined that next year we'll have more daffodils in spring than we did this year. This was our only one and it hid it's face behind our mini rosebush.

Our gardens have a lot more green than last time I showed you.

I planted cauliflower this year for the first time!

The snow peas are getting bigger. We put up a little fence for them to climb and they're so close to reaching it.

The radishes are really taking off. They love this sun and rain. I can't wait to eat them on salads but I still won't eat them by themselves. The memories of Dad feeding me one from the garden and it being so spicy my mouth burned for hours haven't quite gone away. And don't you laugh at how crooked my row is.

Next to plant: tomatoes, more lettuce, and peppers!

In case you missed them:
Our Garden Begins

1 comment:

  1. It does look pretty crooked. But, yay, I'm so jealous of your garden!
