September 30, 2011

Hug a Vegetarian!


Happy Hug a Vegetarian Day!

I love keeping track of all the fun days people come up with. Yesterday was National Coffee Day, for example. Did everyone have a cup? I did! I haven't drank much coffee lately, and it got me all wound up!


Today, though, is Hug a Vegetarian Day! What a fun idea. Bring on the hugs!

Do you know how much meat the average American eats?? Crazy amounts, that's how much. If everyone scaled back to 1 or 2 meatless dinners a week, we would be a healthier society. There are so many nutritional and environmental benefits to consuming less meat. You can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and so much more just by limiting meat in your diet. Our planet would thank you, too, because livestock farming has a huge carbon footprint.

Meatless Mondays, anyone?

I promise it's not hard. Here are some great options & you'll never miss the meat:


Quick Tomato Veggie Pasta

Roasted Tomato Grilled Cheese

Grilled Sweet Potato Beer Fries

Roasted Curried Root Veggies

Broccoli Potato Chowder

Alex's Ulitmate Pizza Crust

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