July 28, 2011

Tower of Chard

This is what happens when you let your structurally inclined hubby chop the veggies for a make your own pizza party.

You wind up with a tower of chard.

It was my fault we had so much swiss chard to begin with. I went a little crazy in the garden because the crop is out of hand. Aside from the chard, we had white & red onions, tomatoes (some of the first from the garden!), a baby pattypan squash, and the choice of basil almond pesto, bbq sauce, or tomato sauce.

The other three ended up making strombolis and I had a pizza. This is why make your own pizza parties are so perfect. We all got a unique dinner and had fun making it together.

I got two questions in one comment in my last post to answer!

First off, a flax egg is indeed not an egg at all. It's one of the many substitutes for an egg that is used primarily by vegan bakers. I use it occasionally for a few reasons:
  • I want my food to be vegan
  • I want to be able to eat the cookie dough w/o consuming raw egg
  • I'm out of eggs and can't get any farm fresh ones right away
  • Flax has a lot of health benefits, including omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are important to consume. Americans in general consume far too many omega-6's and not nearly enough omega-3's, which throws off the proper ratio between the two. Omega-3's are commonly found in fish, but flax, chia seeds, and walnuts are all excellent sources in a vegetarian diet.

Second question: How do I store my homemade bread? ?

Usually in a plastic bag.

If the recipe I'm using makes 2 loaves, I"ll double bag one and freeze it. The remaining loaf is stored in one bag, with a little room to breath. I bought a nice bread loaf sized storage container that made every loaf grow mold quickly because it was so air tight. It's now pushed far into the back corner of my cabinet. I like to loosely twist the bag closed (or zip it most of the way, depending which type of bag I'm using) and tuck the end under the loaf. This method works for us due to the temperature in our kitchen (65-77 degrees, depending on the season) and the speed at which we eat the homemade bread.

I hope this was a good enough answer! 

Please continue to comment and I'll try to answer everyone's questions!

I'm heading to Pittsburgh for the weekend for my cousin's wedding. More posts when I return!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I think maybe I am storing my bread too air tight. It's so good, I want it to last! :)
